Work from home with your custom made Android app.

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We build Android apps with Admin Back-ends for local business or to work from home.

Android App

We build your app to the highest quality and latest features so you can join the e-commerce market. It normally takes less then a month depending on how big your project is.

Admin Back-end

Control and update your Android app from a back-end to keep your customers engaged.


We will submit your app to Google Play and take care of all the nitty gritty set-ups. Including landing pages for your App.

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Apps for eveyone !

Our apps has several benefits, whether you use it to sell products alongside your conventional business or as a stand alone work from home e commerce venture.

Greater flexibility

Your app can be updated instantly and as often as you like – for example, to promote a ‘deal of the day’ on your front page, without the need for expensive printed display material. Categorized products without the need to have it in stock on site .

Beat the competition

With your Android app you will be able to get more sales then your competition.

Control your app from anywhere

You have full control of your app. Update via laptop, tablet, or mobile .

Laptop or Mac

Prefered method, The admin back-end is build to support multiple platforms

Mobile or Tablet

If you on the go you can quickly login to your back-end with a Mobile or Tablet.

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